Little Hack for Productivity

Here's my advise for a productive YOU!

Hi Friend!

Let’s talk about a productivity hack I use.

You can use it at work or at home, but for this example let’s say you’re having friends and family over for a dinner party and have a lot to get done. These are the steps you need to take:

Step #1:  Do a brain dump. Take a piece of paper out and write down everything you have to do.

Step #2: Write down the main categories of what you need to get done. i.e., Cleaning, Gifts & Misc.

Step #3: Now place each activity under the appropriate category. This is called chunking. A trick I learned from Tony Robbins where you chunk like activities together to be more productive.

Step #4: Mark anything you can delegate and who you’ll delegate it to. This is especially key if you are a person that is controlling or strive to be “perfect” as it’s not intuitive for you to ask for help (I’m talking from experience here…LOL!).

Step #5: Figure out how much time you have to complete the tasks that you haven’t delegated. How much time will you need to complete the tasks left on your list? Compare those numbers. Do you have enough time in your day to complete them? Probably not so make sure you prioritize the activities and take off anything that really doesn’t need to be done. Remember to add some buffer time because everything takes longer than you think.

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Remember to use this productivity hack anytime you feel overwhelmed or just need to get things done. It’s important that you don’t stress over the activities that you cannot get finished today. Just do your best and accept it. As my husband always says, “stressing over things won’t change the outcome.” Great advice! 

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Hugs and high 5's from my heart to yours,


Shana Anderson-Nute,

P.S. Remember to smile, happy looks good on you! :) If you have a topic you’d like me to do a blog post about let me know by clicking here.

Will you do me 2 favors:

  1. Share this on Facebook, with a friend or co-worker, so you and I can both help someone else achieve their goals.

  2. Don’t have a marketing calendar? I have you covered! You know that people with systems have the greatest success. Click on the image below to download my FREE Monthly Marketing Calendar Worksheet. I’ve made it easy to plan out your monthly marketing activities.

    1.  Enter what marketing activity you’ll do and when

    2. List  your top 3 priorities that month

    3.  The theme you’ll create that month’s marketing around then follow your plan.

    4. When the month's done, evaluate it and tweak what's not working.