Facebook Hack! Tools that will make a big difference in your marketing and you might not even know about it - Part 3

Hi Friend!

This is the third and last part of our Facebook hack series that I'll be sharing with you. On our previous blogs, we taught you how to spy on your competitor’s top and trending posts on social media and how to figure out who your competitors are and how to watch their Facebook pages to see their trending content. In this final part of our series, we're going to teach you how to control who can see your Page's posts on Facebook.

(Skip this step if you already have more than 5000 Page likes)

If less than 5,000 people liked your Page, you'll need to first make sure you've allowed audience optimization for your Page's posts:

  1. From your News Feed, click Pages in the left menu.

  2. Go to your Page.

  3. Click Settings at the top of your Page.

  4. From General, click Audience Optimization for Posts.

  5. Click to check the box next to Allow News Feed targeting and the ability to restrict the audience for your posts.

  6. Click Save Changes.

Watch the video for the next following steps or continue reading below.

Hi Friend! This is the third and last part of our Facebook hack series that I'll be sharing with you. On our previous blogs, we taught you how to spy on your...

Next Step. Go to your Creator Studio, you can find it on the left side of your page. For older versions, just click on Create Post and you can find it here:


Now that we're inside your Creator Studio we can now use their News Feed Targeting feature where you can target a specific audience for your Page's post so that certain people are more likely to see it in News Feed based on the criteria you select. Unlike limiting your post's audience, using News Feed Targeting doesn't affect who can see the post on your Page or anywhere else on Facebook. 


To use News Feed Targeting follow these simple steps:

  1. Click Create Post on the upper left corner. A pop up will appear on the right side.


2. Click Public on the lower right. A drop up will appear and there you will find News Feed Targeting.


3. In the News Feed Targeting section, enter the criteria of the people you'd like to reach in News Feed.

4. Click Save.

If you're not sure what criteria you want to put in your News Feed Targeting go to our previous blog and watch the video to learn how to get in the Demographics section where you'll see all the information, you'll need to fill the News Feed Targeting box.

Now that you know how to control who can see your Page's posts on Facebook you can now target them with your posts instead of just doing a blast out to everybody. This will help your social media grow and help you get more eyeballs on your posts. 


I hope this was helpful and let me know if you have any questions. Have an awesome day!

Hugs and high 5's from my heart to yours,


Shana Anderson-Nute

P.S. Remember to smile, happy looks good on you! :) If you have a topic you’d like me to do a blog post about let me know by clicking here.

Will you do me 2 favors:

  1. Share this on Facebook, with a friend or co-worker, so you and I can both help someone else achieve their goals.

  2. Don’t have a marketing calendar? I have you covered! You know that people with systems have the greatest success. Click on the image below to download my FREE Monthly Marketing Calendar Worksheet. I’ve made it easy to plan out your monthly marketing activities.

    1.  Enter what marketing activity you’ll do and when

    2. List  your top 3 priorities that month

    3.  The theme you’ll create that month’s marketing around then follow your plan.

    4. When the month's done, evaluate it and tweak what's not working.

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