Event cancelled? Your employees anxious? Here are solutions for you to navigate this critical time!
Hi Friends!
With everything going on in the world right now, I wanted to compile some ideas so I can empower you with the tools you need to be the person and business that your team, attendees of your events, clients, and prospects need right now. This is a crucial time. The virus will end, but how you handle things right now will make a difference in your future sales growth and the loyalty these people feel towards you and your company. Yesterday it was announced that Disneyland and sporting events are being shut down. An hour ago, my son's school notified us that they will close for 3 weeks. Things are changing quickly and people are feeling anxious, scared, uncertain of what will happen next.
First, is to make sure everyone feels safe. If that means your team working from home then allow that to happen. There are challenges they’ll face moving from an office environment to a home one. Prepare them, give them the tools they need for it to be a success while surprising them with a cool work-from-home kit like this one, or we can custom make one just for you.

Don’t forget to think about your customers and prospects too. Now is the time to show you care and build deeper relationships that will last for years to come. Many companies have postponed their events or made them virtual events. People looked forward to these events and many have invested time and money to attend them in person. They are frustrated. If you postponed or canceled your event then please send a gift to them that shows that you care about them and understand how they are feeling. Something that will sweeten the “blow”, surprise them and create an “Instagram-able” experience. Like our Zen set to help them calm their nerves or Godiva Tumbler gift set. I mean, doesn’t chocolate fix everything?!?
If you moved to a virtual event, we understand your challenge of creating event experiences and connections in a digital space. Here are some ways to help with that. Send them a swag bag. Everyone loves swag bags and imagine how much this would mean to them. You may already have your swag bag created and aren’t sure what to do now. SEND IT! Don’t waste this opportunity to surprise and delight them. If you don’t have your swag bag, then create one that’s focused on a virtual event. Think about what they need? Merch such as Speaker, webcam cover (don’t accidentally be on camera when you aren't ready...it's happened to all of us), lens kit, earbuds, notebook with pen, hand sanitizer (yes, the stores are sold out and so our most of our manufacturers, but we have a secret stash for you if you act fast!), cool water bottle with recycled record coaster, wireless charger, shirt, and hat to wear on screen and of course a cool bag to put it all in. Below you’ll see links to more ideas so make sure you click. How can you create experiences virtually and in real-time to a large audience? To make them feel connected and get social? You’re the first to hear about this so please pay close attention. This is a game-changer! We are now able to add a chip to what we create for you that "talks" to each of your attendees when they pass their phone over it. NO APP NEEDED. We can set up experience sequences in advance that will happen at certain days/times, We can also create contests and select a certain number of winners too and push that out into the chips. They just scan their chip and it will tell them if they won. To see more about this, click on this link and look at the first image.We have had a lot of success doing this next idea at events and creating fun and memorable experiences.
We'll create some fun where each person will write their answer on a custom shaped removable decal (like this star-shaped one below). If you are focusing on getting them to be more eco-friendly then the question can be, what will you do to save the environment this year? If you want your team to think about what sets them apart from their peers then we can ask that. The possibilities are endless.
Give out the custom shaped and branded, removable decals to your clients, prospects and/or team
Have them write their answer to your question. Then take a picture with it and post it on social media with the hashtag we determine to create more engagement and publicity for you.
The decal can be moved from their office cubicle to their home or where ever else they would like reminding them of this experience you created with them.We want to arm you with, even more, so we've put together a few boards to help you with the ideas we’ve mentioned above and other projects you are working on. Please click the links below to view. As you look through these ideas, think about how these people are feeling, what they are needing and how you can help them through this. If you need help creating a kit or you don’t see what you are looking for, just let us know. We’re always here to help!
Here’s a list of non-USA made kits and ideas to help you. Click this link.
We understand that you may want ONLY North American made ideas so we put this board together for you. Click this link.
We created this board for those that are focused on ideas that reduce the number of germs being passed around. Click this link
At this time, more than ever it’s important that we are showing true compassion towards each other from a personal and business standpoint. Following my tips will help you to clearly see what you can do and give you the tools to do it. Take the steps you need to have a lasting impact on those around you. To show you truly care about them, their feelings and their well-being. In return, they will give you loyalty and help you grow a stronger, larger business now and in the future. Please reply and let me know how I can help you navigate through this. To help you with your events, your relationships with your teams, your clients and prospects. Hugs and high 5's,Shana Anderson-NutePresidentSpitfire Advertising, Inc.Ready to shop? Click hereNeed FREE marketing strategies? Click hereProud partner of the Admin Awards,We support and empower others to be their best!Don’t have a marketing calendar? I have you covered! You know that people with systems have the greatest success. Click on the image below to download my FREE Monthly Marketing Calendar Worksheet. I’ve made it easy to plan out your monthly marketing activities.
Enter what marketing activity you’ll do and when
List your top 3 priorities that month
The theme you’ll create that month’s marketing around then follow your plan.
When the month's done, evaluate it and tweak what's not working.
Don't forget to check out our previous blog post:• Need an invitation that creates an experience, that’s personalized and custom? Check out what we did for GitLab from design to print in just 2 days!• Want an innovative, memorable and Instagramable idea that will get your target audience talking? See what we did for Intel!• Ready to get you, your team, AND your business healthier this year? Then this is for you!