A simple, creative, and inexpensive swag idea for your next event that will get people talking. Intel loved it...will you?
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mU7ryyofU6g]
Watch the video or read below, the choice is yours. 🙂

I want to share with you something that we've created for Intel that will help you solve problems that you're having with your events too.Have you ever went to an event or out to dinner with some friends, looked around and some people are on their phones?They are there to communicate, to build relationships, to catch up, to have human interactions and instead....they are sitting there with a screen to their face blocking any human interaction.Intel came to us because they too have that problem at some of their events and they wanted to solve this problem!They need something to make sure people understand that they want them to be in the moment, to interact with each other, get to know each other better instead of bonding with the screen on their phone.We went to work and created these cool little bags that are placed at each person's seat for them to put their phones inside.We picked a bag that fits every phone size with this cute message so they can just slip it inside.They had another requirement...a red and green imprint and a fast turn around time. We did that for them as well!These are the types of things that we can also create for you too. We not only create things with your branding, but we think outside your logo too.Whether you're looking for something to solve a problem like Intel's or you're looking to create a fun event.Think about your goals, about what issues you have at your events, and come to us so that we can help you reach your goals and solve your problems.If you don't mind, share this out to anybody who you know that should see this. Together we can help more people.Remember...to smile because happy looks good on you. Have an amazing day! Hugs and high 5's,Shana Anderson-NutePresidentSpitfire Advertising, Inc.Ready to shop? Click hereNeed FREE marketing strategies? Click hereProud partner of the Admin Awards & Chest of Hope. We support and empower others to be their best!Don’t have a marketing calendar? I have you covered! You know that people with systems have the greatest success. Click on the image below to download my FREE Monthly Marketing Calendar Worksheet. I’ve made it easy to plan out your monthly marketing activities.
Enter what marketing activity you’ll do and when
List your top 3 priorities that month
The theme you’ll create that month’s marketing around then follow your plan.
When the month's done, evaluate it and tweak what's not working.
Don't forget to check out our previous blog post:• From concept to completion – 5 steps to creating a marketing piece that’s creative and will get you noticed.• Looking for a fun way to create an experience and get engagement at your next event? Then stop what you are doing, this is for you!• Feeling stumped as to what swag gifts to give this year? Here are 39 ideas inspired by Oprah’s Favorite Things!