A quick hack for rapid business growth without wasting time and money!
Hello friends!We have some fun things in store for you today.
Here’s a riddle…
What is one thing that you can do in less than five minutes to:Help you build a relationshipMake somebody feel specialMake yourself stand out from the crowdBefore you press play on the video, take a guess. Now watch the video to see if you’re right. (don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel)[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFv2rGlsBE0] How did you do? I challenge you to do this simple and quick activity 3x this week.If you do it consistently every week it will help your business and personal life be successful.Let me know if you’re up for the challenge.We can also help you stand out by creating custom pieces for you. Just reach out to us today!
What’s new for you?
We have a couple things that we’re working on for you!First…If you know us at all then you know that we are on a mission to make the world a kinder place. We also know that you feel the same way so we created this T-shirt to spread the message! KIND is the new COOL! We have partnered with Chest of Hope to raise money and awareness for domestic violence, human trafficking, and abuse. Every shirt sold helps this cause. >>>>>>> Click here to order yours today. It comes in a Ladies V-neck tee, ladies tank top or men's ECO crew neck tee. Snap a picture wearing it then send it to us and we’ll feature you on our Instagram!Want us to create shirts for your company with this design and your logo…we can do that too! AND a portion of all sales will go towards this cause.Please consider supporting us in our efforts to end Domestic Violence, Human Trafficking, sexual abuse and Change the World.Second…Wish you had a quarterly marketing box filled with HOT merch, marketing ideas, tools and more to save you time, money and help you be more successful?Well...Hello Summer! Introducing our *NEW* Merch Marketing Box that will do just that.We have a limited supply. If you’d like to order one or be entered in a drawing to win our first box then contact us and let us know. Tell your friends too.If you'd like to order your Fall Merch Marketing Box reply to this email and we'll reserve yours.
We’d also love your feedback on what you’d want us to include in our merch marketing box. Let us know so we can make this amazing for you!
Did you know?
June 21st is Take your dog to work day and the first day of summer? My german shepherd, Loki is so excited about it that he asked if he could pop on here and say, “RUFF, RUFF!” (in dog that means Hi…now take me outside). He’s ready!! As you can see I’m constantly thinking about you and how we can help you reach your goals! If there’s anything that we aren’t doing that you wish we would or anything you need help with let me know.I’m always in your corner.Hugs and high 5's,
Shana Anderson-Nutewww.SpitfireAdvertising.comP.S. 1. Don't forget to follow our blog. That's where you're going to get these types of tips to help you with your business every time they’re posted.2. Don’t have a marketing calendar? I have you covered! You know that people with systems have the greatest success. Click on the image below to download my FREE Monthly Marketing Calendar Worksheet. I’ve made it easy to plan out your monthly marketing activities.
- Enter what marketing activity you’ll do and when
- List your top 3 priorities that month
- The theme you’ll create that month’s marketing around then follow your plan.
- When the month's done, evaluate it and tweak what's not working.
Don't forget to check out our previous blog post:• Want to grow your business? Doing this one quick thing can make a huge difference!• Ready for this truth-bomb from my son’s 8th-grade teacher to accelerate your life and business?• Are you planning an event or creating a meaningful and memorable experience?