Want to grow your business? Doing this one quick thing can make a huge difference!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fY69H1sDN4]
Watch the video to go deeper. Read below if you want a quick summary.
Hi friends:Here’s a quick one for you….Kids are getting out of school, vacations are starting, summertime is here and it’s challenging to stay focused on your business goals.So, today I’m sharing with you a challenge I gave to my social media followers. Because if you do it, it’s going to help you grow your business too. Ready to take me up on it? Watch the video and then reply with the word “done”.Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram so you get my morning motivation too! Hugs and high 5's,
Shana Anderson-Nutewww.SpitfireAdvertising.comP.S. 1. Don't forget to follow our blog. That's where you're going to get these types of tips to help you with your business every time they’re posted.2. Don’t have a marketing calendar? I have you covered! You know that people with systems have the greatest success. Click on the image below to download my FREE Monthly Marketing Calendar Worksheet. I’ve made it easy to plan out your monthly marketing activities.
- Enter what marketing activity you’ll do and when
- List your top 3 priorities that month
- The theme you’ll create that month’s marketing around then follow your plan.
- When the month's done, evaluate it and tweak what's not working.
Don't forget to check out our previous blog post:• Are you planning an event or creating a meaningful and memorable experience?• One key mistake that you are probably making with your marketing that will cause you to fail!• I couldn’t believe his reaction! Are you doing this wrong with your marketing too and it’s causing you to fail?