Are you behind the times? 10 marketing tips you need to implement fast to get results!


Watch the video or read the summary below, it’s your choice.  🙂

 I wanted to share my presentation I did at Toastmasters with you because there are some golden nuggets in it that will help you get results for your marketing. Watch the video to go deeper. Read below if you want a quick summary of what’s in the video.Did you know it was the year of the Hygge Life? That means people want to simplify their lives. They want to surround themselves with people who make them happy and they want to build deeper relationships. We are tired of being overwhelmed, being on our screens all the time and want to unplug. If your business can help them achieve that then you will have raving fans! Here are ten tips to help you. 

  1. Be obsessed with your clients. Know where they’re at now and know where they’re going in the future, then help them get there. When you’re talking to them be authentic, be real, get them to open up and trust you. That’s how you’re going to find out more about them.


  1. Add value and be consistent. Put out content that’s helping them reach their goals, solving their pain points, and be consistent. We are all bombarded with information all the time. If you’re not staying in front of your target audience then you’re going to be forgotten.


  1. Face-to-Face. You need to get face to face. Do meetings, coffee, lunches, etc. Find excuses to get eyeball to eyeball with them.


  1. Branded items. Branded items are an essential part of your marketing and relationship building. They surprise and delight, add the law of reciprocity, build relationships, open doors and so much more. I also call branded items bread crumbs and I want you to “lay them down”. Think Hansel and Gretel. When you give branded items you are “laying down bread crumbs”. That way when they need your products or services they can find their way back to you. I can help you find ways that you can do this in a fun and engaging way too so you are memorable and stand out.


  1. Make your brand human. Your target audience wants to interact with a human. When watching your content online they want to connect with a face, look eyeball to eyeball with someone. They can’t connect with just a logo. Have a face for your brand whether that’s yourself, an employee, or someone you pay.


  1. Digital communication. Think text messages, Facebook messages, etc. how can you make that experience human? If I’m talking to you and you sent me a text that made me laugh, how does it feel if I sent you a text back saying “LOL”. Versus doing an audio message where you can actually hear me laughing? It’s a totally different experience. Send video and audio messages, pictures, think to yourself…how can I make this experience more human?


  1. Interact and engage on social media. Facebook just changed the algorithm. If you’re a brand and your fans are not interacting and engaging with you on your page then Facebook will not be showing your posts in their feed anymore.


  1. Videos and live streaming. Make sure that you understand how your audience is consuming videos. In YouTube, people listen to them with sound, they are looking for music, something fun, a how-to video, etc. In Facebook, they aren’t listening with the sound on. They are mindlessly scrolling. Create 15 sec to 1 min videos there. You have to put the words across the bottom to get them to stop and watch. Facebook really wants you to go live. If you do they’ll prioritize your post in the feel and show your content.


  1. Posts. People no longer want minimalist posts. They want color, visuals, to feel the experience, to be in that moment. Use lifestyle images to create the experience.


  1. Facebook feed. Make a custom Facebook feed with your top ten clients. Then when you jump on Facebook, you can jump on that custom feed and interact with the most important people and get out quickly so you are efficient with your time. While on your custom feed, engage with them. Celebrate, have empathy, etc. then take the conversation off of Facebook. Use this to build your relationships deeper.

 Here are my ten tips to help you create raving fans for your business this year. Let me know if you have any questions and how I can help you to be successful! Do me a favor, if you found this valuable please share this out.We are on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube, and Twitter. Follow us on your social media network of choice.Hugs and high 5's,shana-pixShana Anderson-Nutewww.SpitfireAdvertising.comP.S. 1. Don't forget to follow our blog. That's where you're going to get these types of tips to help you with your business every time they’re posted.2. Don’t have a marketing calendar? I have you covered! You know that people with systems have the greatest success. Click on the image below to download my FREE Monthly Marketing Calendar Worksheet. I’ve made it easy to plan out your monthly marketing activities.

  1.  Enter what marketing activity you’ll do and when
  2.  List  your top 3 priorities that month
  3.  The theme you’ll create that month’s marketing around then follow your plan.
  4.  When the month's done, evaluate it and tweak what's not working.

coverDon't forget to check out our previous blog post:• Wish you could sneak a little peek inside one of my event planning meetings? Well… today’s your lucky day!• 9 ways to stand out with your marketing and create better customer experiences this year• Layer these 5 elements of your brand story into your marketing and content to maximize results