How can you grow your business faster this year?'s the year of the Hygge life!


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 Are you wondering what to do with your marketing in 2018? This is the year of the hygge life. That means that people want to simplify their lives. They are tired of being overwhelmed. They want to unplug, have fun and build deeper relationships. If your business helps them do that, then you will have raving fans.How?

  1. Be obsessed with your clients. Know them in and out, know what they want now and what they're going to want in the future. When you're connecting with them be transparent, be authentic, and build trust with them. When you're creating your content make it digestible, add value, give them what they want, not what you want to give them.


  1. Be CONSISTENT with your marketing and content creation. Remember if you're not consistent, you're going to lose them and left in your competitor’s dust.


  1. Everybody has two parts of their lives online and offline and you have to be connecting on both sides.

 -Offline you need to be doing:

  • Face to face meetings
  • Lunch and/or Coffee
  • Dropping by their office with a gift
  • A fun branded, direct mail piece that gets their attention
  • Thank you and birthday gifts
  • Welcome kits
  • Pop-up shops: Go out to a location other than your office and pop up your shop for the day, a few hours, etc. It can be as easy as going to a Starbucks and telling the people in that area to come down for a free consultation or more elaborate and have a mobile vehicle (customized RV, taco truck style vehicle, etc.) that you sell your products from.
  • Live events are a great way to connect with your clients and for them to connect with you too!

 -Online: The hardest part about online is making your brand human online. People want to connect with a human not a logo. Have an influencer for your brand online. Who is that? Is that yourself? An employee? Are you going to pay somebody to be an influencer? You need to have somebody that your target audience can connect with. 

  • When using digital communication as often as possible make that human.
    • If you are sending text to your client send an audio text.
    • Using Facebook Messenger then send a video or audio message sometimes
    • Send a fun picture of you, you using your product or a how to video made just for them with you as the person in the video.


  • When you're creating content, add value by:
    • Answering questions
    • Doing contest
    • Doing challenges
    • Showing behind the scenes
    • Doing sneak peeks


  • Social media: Consistency and engagement is king!
    • Facebook is even changing. If you’re a brand, they want you engaging and if you're engaging and interacting and your audience is doing the same with you then they're going to put your posts out in the feed more. If not, you're going to get less and less views.
    • The two best platforms to be on for brands is Instagram and LinkedIn. Now with that being said, also know where your target audience is. If they're not there then don't be there.
    • Live streaming, gets 3x more views than regular videos, 10x more comments, and 135% more organic views than if you just do a regular post with images.
    • Posts with images: People want visually appealing ones that make them stop, ones that are different, that has feelings to it, it stirs emotion in them.
    • Create a separate Facebook feed for your top ten clients that way when you're jumping into social media a few times a week, and you don't have a lot of time you’ll go right to that feed. Interact with them for a few minutes and jump out.
    • When you're connecting with them online you're going to see what they're struggling with, what they're celebrating. Engage with them online then take the conversation out of the news feed. Send them a text, handwritten note, set up time to have coffee or a lunch, stop by their office. Whatever is appropriate based on what’s going on with them. This is going to help you build this relationship even deeper.

 Please share this out with someone who needs to see these tips. Click here to subscribe so you are the first to receive our marketing tips and receive specials and fun surprises that only the people who are subscribed get! And don’t forget to smile because happy looks good on you. Have an amazing day! Do me a favor, if you found this valuable please share this out. We are on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube, and Twitter. Follow us on your social media network of choice.Hugs and high 5's,shana-pixShana Anderson-Nutewww.SpitfireAdvertising.comP.S. 1. Don't forget to follow our blog. That's where you're going to get these types of tips to help you with your business every time they’re posted.2. Don’t have a marketing calendar? I have you covered! You know that people with systems have the greatest success. Click on the image below to download my FREE Monthly Marketing Calendar Worksheet. I’ve made it easy to plan out your monthly marketing activities.

  1.  Enter what marketing activity you’ll do and when
  2.  List  your top 3 priorities that month
  3.  The theme you’ll create that month’s marketing around then follow your plan.
  4.  When the month's done, evaluate it and tweak what's not working.

coverDon't forget to check out our previous blog post: