The marketing activity that creates loyalty, gets new clients, builds deeper relationships AND makes a difference!
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Do you have this marketing activity on your marketing calendar? This one activity will help you grow your sales, build deeper relationships, show you care and can win you more contracts. What is it? Giving back!70% of Millennials say that they will spend more money on a brand when they know they give back to a cause. If you have ever watched Shark Tank, you know when the Millennials are pitching their business to the sharks that they're always talking about giving back as part of their business model. I’ve done giving back in just about every way possible so I put together this guide to help you figure out which one is best for you and how you can add this to your business. In order to figure out the best fit for you to give back to an organization/cause ask yourself the following:
- How much time do you have?
- How much money do you have to give back?
- What's in alignment with your brand, your community, your target audience?
What are the ways you can give back:
- Donation. If you don't have a lot of time then donate money. You're just writing a check simple, easy, and then you're done. You could also do a food drive, toy drive, collect items then donate them.
- Sponsoring. Sponsor an event, a golf tournament, etc. Sponsoring is a great way to give back because you can also interact with the people at the events and build deeper relationships with them. Who knows your ideal client may be there too!
- Employee matching, that's where you match up to a specific dollar amount that your employee donates to a cause each year. What is wonderful about this is that the employee gets to choose where they want to donate and you're just doubling whatever they did. It makes them feel good, unites you together, and you get to help a lot of different causes, not just one.
- Fundraising. I’ve raised over $50k doing this for the fight to end breast cancer. I created a poker tournament called Texas Hold'em for the Tatas. Everything is donated or volunteered for so it all goes back to breast cancer. I’ve not only helped a great cause, but I’ve gotten new clients, friends and built deeper relationships with my existing clients too.
- Walks. I did the 39 miles for breast cancer for 6 years. It not only helps end breast cancer, brings awareness, you meet a lot of amazing people, and you know you’re making a difference. Look for a walk, bike ride, etc. for the cause you want to give back to. It’s an amazing experience.
- Discounts. If you’re not doing the walks, runs, bike rides, etc. then can you give a discount on the products and services the participants need? There is a company called Running Revolution who gives a 20% discount for doing the Breast Cancer Walk. Before doing the walk, I hadn’t heard of them before. I am now a loyal client!
- Volunteering. Life changer! The people you meet when your volunteering are the nicest, kindest people. Where can you volunteer? What about your local youth sports organizations? I volunteered for Pop Warner and Little League for a total of 15 years. Between being a Team Mom, Coach, and a board member. You're not only giving back to change people's lives especially the lives of children, you’re keeping them off the street! You can also get business out of it too and friendships. Some of my best friends I have today are ones that I have met doing volunteer work at these organizations.
- Feed the homeless. I've done this with networking groups and friends. We've gone out for Christmas, Thanksgiving, other times of the year and the homeless are so appreciative!
- Giving Tuesday. That is the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. Make sure that's on your marketing calendar and give back that day too.
Don’t forget to advertise what you’re doing and create branded products too!
- Thank you gifts for those that help you give back and include a handwritten card!
- Shirts for your volunteers that are worn at the event.
Do hats if you don't want to worry about sizes.
- Branded awareness bracelets,
and water bottles are perfect to give out to the participants.
Remember that giving back, is a great reminder for you and for your team to be thankful for everything that you have. It helps unify you, your team, your prospects, and your clients. It also gives you a sense of pride and really builds deeper relationships. Which is really what is most important to do to grow your business. Please share this message out with people who you know need to hear it. I would really appreciate it. I think giving back is important in our business, personal life, and everything we do!Do me a favor, if you found this valuable please share this out. We are on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube, and Twitter. Follow us on your social media network of choice. Hugs and high 5's,
Shana Anderson-Nutewww.SpitfireAdvertising.comP.S. 1. Don't forget to follow our blog. That's where you're going to get these types of tips to help you with your business every time they’re posted.2. Don’t have a marketing calendar? I have you covered! You know that people with systems have the greatest success. Click on the image below to download my FREE Monthly Marketing Calendar Worksheet. I’ve made it easy to plan out your monthly marketing activities.
- Enter what marketing activity you’ll do and when
- List your top 3 priorities that month
- The theme you’ll create that month’s marketing around then follow your plan.
- When the month's done, evaluate it and tweak what's not working.