Sending a package shouldn’t be boring. Create a memorable unboxing experience with the gifts you send to your clients!
Hi Friend!
Are you creating a memorable and shareable brand experience when you send a package to your prospects and clients? You’ve seen the craze of the unboxing experience. There are images all over social media and when you talk to your friends they’re passionately telling you about the latest subscription box, what it contained and why you should buy from this company too.
You don’t need a subscription box to get this kind of attention. You can do this when you’re sending out a thank you gift, holiday gift, onboarding Kit, etc. Anytime you send out a package to your prospects and clients, your goal should be to:
Maximize your results and create loyalty to your brand.
Connect with the recipient: visually and emotionally.
Create a package that is buzz-worthy and stands out from your competition.
All while staying in alignment with your brand and goals.
Today I want to show you a package, and experience that I am creating for our client. One that will excite, delight, and make their clients feel special.
Note: I can’t tell you who the client is because this is top-secret. We want to make sure that none of their clients watch this video and know that they will receive it.
This project is in the mock-up stage. Where we have laid out all the pieces to show the overall concept before it goes into production.
We start with selecting the item that we’re going to be sending. The Branded item needs to tie the company giving the item to the person receiving it and be appropriate for the reason it’s being sent.
You’ve probably never seen this item that we selected. And that is why it’s important that you have an expert like me, to guide you when you’re creating a project like this. Each project has different requirements. This Project needed to:
Represent this brand’s upscale image
It needed to be easy to mail out (we needed to do the logistics for them)
Useful in their client’s everyday life
Surprise them and make them feel special and connected to the company
Thank them for being a client.
After selecting the item, we went to work on tying the entire package and unboxing experience together. We looked at:
How to tie the outside of the package in with the inside.
How can we use the inside of the package to create a connection? Inspire them? Thank them?
How can we bring this upscale brand image into the inside of the package?
How can we make the viewer more curious when opening the package?
How can the branded item tie the person giving and receiving together while representing their brand?
How can we make this memorable, useful, and upscale?
Then we think through the outside box that it will be mailed out in. How can we get them excited on that external box to really want to open this package?
Once you’ve created this memorable experience with them and you’ve set yourself apart from the competition. Then wait a few days and send out your referral kit.
In this noisy world, we feel overwhelmed. We want to unplug.
Send out a package that creates an experience, shows you’re an A+ company, and sets you apart.
Are you ready to grow? Then contact me so we can get started on yours!
We'd love to help you!
Hugs and high 5's,
Shana Anderson-Nute
1. The holidays are just around the corner. What are you going to give your clients and team so they know that you care?
2.Don't forget to follow our blog. That's where you're going to get these types of tips to help you with your business every time they’re posted.3. Don’t have a marketing calendar? I have you covered! You know that people with systems have the greatest success. Click on the image below to download my FREE Monthly Marketing Calendar Worksheet. I’ve made it easy to plan out your monthly marketing activities.
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