Quick COVID marketing tip and flash sale to help you!

Hi friend!

Dropping by with a quick COVID marketing and safety strategy for your business. Make sure you read to the end to grab a sweet deal we created to help you pull this off. Don’t wait or it will be gone.

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Marketing and safety strategy: Did you know that in our new Covid world, a pen has become like a toothbrush? Every day you, your employees, and your clients are using pens. Are they using yours because it’s become their favorite?

Pens have always been a great way to market your business with the number of times your logo is seen while using it. With Covid it’s even better to market your business using pens than ever before AND BONUS…it will help keep others safe!

Pens are an easy way to spread germs which is why it’s important that we start thinking of pens as toothbrushes. One pen per person. No share-sies!

This also gives you a great opportunity to get your branded pens in front of more people, more often.

Giving out pens in different colors to employees is a great idea so Susie knows that her pen is red. Joseph who works next to her is given a blue pen. Chris down the hall is given a black pen and so on. That way they each know their pen. 

Another way to do this is with clients and prospects…say you are wanting to work with more people at one of your client’s offices. You can send out a variety of colored pens branded with your logo to their office. Targeting the people that you want as your clients and of course your existing clients there. Sending out different colors and explaining that you’ve taken this extra step because you care about them and their safety.

Relationships are most important in business so build them!


Implement it now with our FLASH SALE! Now that we’ve given you the marketing and safety strategy, we wanted to help you implement it by doing this flash sale.

Gift your employees, prospects, and clients this popular triple action pen. It’s sure to be their favorite. They can use it anywhere, anytime with the pen or stylus, and always have a light handy with the built-in LED flashlight.

***Exclusive Offer***

Grab yours today for 10% off by contacting us and mention “COVID 3-in-1 Pen sale”. Market your business while showing your customers you care! This Sale Expires on July 22, 2020.

Always in your corner,


Shana Anderson-Nute

Spitfire Advertising, Inc.

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Don’t have a marketing calendar? I have you covered! You know that people with systems have the greatest success. Click on the image below to download my FREE Monthly Marketing Calendar Worksheet. I’ve made it easy to plan out your monthly marketing activities.

  1.  Enter what marketing activity you’ll do and when

  2.  List  your top 3 priorities that month

  3.  The theme you’ll create that month’s marketing around then follow your plan.

  4.  When the month's done, evaluate it and tweak what's not working.