Quick tips to save time and money while getting the results you want on your next graphic design project!
Hi Friend!
What do you do when you need some graphic design work done? Whether that's a logo, a business card, a postcard, some other marketing piece.
How do you communicate with your graphic designer before and during the process to make sure that you're efficient, that you're on the budget, that everything is going smoothly so you save time you save money and most importantly you get the results that you're looking for?
Here are four tips (from a graphic designer) that you can use for your next graphic design project to make sure it’s a raving success!
Be realistic with your time frame and budget. Talk to the graphic designer before you start the project, in your planning stage. Ask them what the cost is going to be and their time frame. That way you two are on the same page and everything is done on the time and budget you agreed upon.
Show examples of what you like. We're visual, all of our work is visual, it’s the way we think and it’s much easier for us to understand if you show us examples of what you like instead of just saying, “Make it pop!”, “Give it the WOW factor!”. How we translate those statements visually can be different and showing us will help us get it right the first time! You can find visuals on:
Google searching for images you'd like
Dafont, if you're looking for a certain font style then send the link.
Pixabay where you can look for free stock images but with few selections.
Shutterstock or Adobe Stock, if you want more variety, but we’d need to pay to use these images in your design piece.
Make sure your new branding/marketing piece is cohesive with your other marketing. That way it’s a great and consistent representation of you and makes it easier for you to be remembered. If you have certain colors, feelings, etc. in your branding guidelines then tell the designer. Show them your branding guidelines and a marketing piece, website, etc. that you love.
Don't micro-manage the process and be open to suggestions. You want the piece to be the best it can be so let the design expert create the design so it’s the best it can be. Give them the main details, the main concepts, the main goals that you want to accomplish, and let them go. When you receive the design piece back don’t overthink it. If you get stuck on whether to approve it or what changes to make then show it to three to five people. Get their input and give yourself a deadline that you have to respond back to the graphic designer by. If not, you can get stuck in analysis-paralysis and never get this out into the world.
Follow these 4 tips and it will help you save time, money and you’ll get the results you want. Let me know if you have any questions or if there's anything I can do to help you with your graphic design projects.
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Hugs and high 5's,
Shana Anderson-Nute
P.S. Remember to smile, happy looks good on you! :) If you have a topic you’d like me to do a blog post about let me know by clicking here.
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