Facebook Hack! Tools that will make a big difference in your marketing and you might not even know about it.
Hi friend!
In today's tip, I want to share with you an essential tool that's right under your nose, and you might not even know it's there.
Have you ever wanted to spy on your competitor’s top and trending posts on social media? Are you trying to figure out what kind of posts they are doing that gets that huge number of Likes and Shares? You may not be able to copy their exact posts, but you can replicate it into something that works for you as well. Why? Because you both have the same audience.
To show you how it’s done, watch the video and see how this hack works!
Notice that your different competitors are doing the same types of things. Sometimes, they just repurpose it in different ways. You can figure out what you need to do by taking some of their ideas and applying them to your posts.
Remember, these essential tools are free, and this is going to make a difference for you. I hope you enjoyed this. Let me know if you have any questions. Have a good day.
Hugs and high 5's from my heart to yours,
Shana Anderson-Nute
P.S. Remember to smile, happy looks good on you! :) If you have a topic you’d like me to do a blog post about let me know by clicking here.
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Enter what marketing activity you’ll do and when
List your top 3 priorities that month
The theme you’ll create that month’s marketing around then follow your plan.
When the month's done, evaluate it and tweak what's not working.