Are you using this secret tool to wow your clients?
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A few weeks ago, I sat at my desk putting together my marketing calendar for the new year. I reviewed what I did last year, evaluated what worked, what didn’t then make notes on what I wanted to TWEAK and continue doing for this year. As I was going through that process I came across the QUARTERLY self-promotions that I’ve been doing for a few years now. I love doing them and get great responses so I knew I wanted to continue doing them. Then I thought since they’re so successful I should do more of them, but I wasn’t sure exactly what I should do.
Then I looked at my marketing calendar and saw that for the first quarter of the new year my Mastermind Group and I decided that we were all going to challenge each other and FOCUS on lead generation in our businesses. Hhhmmm…my brain was going now! I’ll combine these two things together and do monthly self-promotion where I’d pop-by to see my clients! This is a perfect activity to help me achieve my goals for the new year.Do you feel disconnected from your clients? Do you struggle coming up with ways to build a deeper connection, a stronger relationship with them, ways to get in front of them? Do you have LIMITED time, but know how important face to face time is with your clients?Let me pull the curtain back and show you how to use this tool from my marketing toolbox. I’ve been using it for years with a lot of success! I’ll also share with you how things are going so far this year from doing this.I don’t know about you, but my favorite clients are the ones that I’ve built GREAT relationships with. The ones who have opened up to me and shared their life with me. The ones where it just isn’t a business relationship. The ones where I truly feel like we’ve become friends. Where we talk at a deeper level. I can honestly say that I love people. I love helping and getting to know people. I love finding out what makes them tick, what makes them happy, I love hearing their triumphs and celebrating their successes with them. I love lifting them when they are feeling down.One of the reasons I love being an entrepreneur is because of all the people I get to meet. I love finding new ways to build deeper relationships with my clients. I love when my clients refer a friend, a co-worker to me because that is the biggest compliment that I can receive. That THEIR referral tells me I’ve done a great job, I’ve built a good relationship with them, they trust me, appreciate me and they know I’ll take good care of the person they’re referring to.As you probably know referrals are the least expensive way to get new clients. At that moment, I decided that I would, and perfect timing.
> 91% of customers say they’d give referrals. Only 11% of salespeople ask for referrals.[Source: Dale Carnegie]
> A referred customer is 18% more loyal than a customer acquired through a different method.[Source: Journal of Marketing]
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As I thought about doing more self-promotions this year I thought about my F.S.C.R. Formula.One level of my quarterly self-promotions is done face2face. GIVING them something it makes them feel significant, connects us and introduces the law of Reciprocity. I don’t know about you, but being an Entrepreneur, Mom, Wife, and Grandma, I have limited time so I needed to make sure that by adding this level of self-promotions to my marketing calendar I had the bandwidth to do it. I didn’t want to set myself up to fail or to get overwhelmed so; I decided that I’d deliver them whenever I go OUTon appointments to the prospects and clients around them.That’s exactly what I’ve been doing. When I go out and have appointments, I look through my database beforehand and see what clients/prospects are around/or are on the way to where I’m going. Then I stop by before/after the appointment for a few minutes and give them a fun gift (my self-promotion). Sometimes the “pop-by” visits take a little longer and sometimes they are shorter, but every time my prospect/client is happy to see me, and I’m happy to see them. When I leave I have a smile and confidence knowing that we are a little more CONNECTED to each other.Every month I do my self-promotion around a new theme depending on what’s going on that month. For March I put together “St. Patrick’s” themed pop-bys “You’re the pot of GOLD at the end of the rainbow”.Including a lottery ticket and “caught being green” seeded button that they can wear on St. Patty’s day, then plant it, and flowers will grow.For April, what better theme to create it around than Earth Day? I run an eco-friendly business and several of my clients do too, so I’ll focus on seeing them next month and dropping off this fun, gift. “Save the Earth, it’s the ONLY planet with chocolate.” I love being different, I didn’t want to just do a typical Earth day message. I like fun, I like personality and this message has it! I mean who doesn’t love chocolate? I created this gift with earth shaped chocolates and used the same seeded buttons that I used for the St. Patty’s one. Since they are going out to different clients/prospects I can use the same branded item on both. I’ll also give this one out to some eco-friendly businesses I want to get in with.Remember, you can do monthly themes, or you can do the same self-promotion all year. The gift is the vehicle to get you in front of them and have the important face2face time you need to build those relationships. Your self-promotion enhances their experience with you, to keep your name in front of them and grow your relationship with them thus helping you GROW your business by giving FIRST.It’s been a little over two 2 months now since I added doing monthly pop-bys to my marketing calendar. I love how the number of people I’ve been able to see face2face has grown tremendously. I’ve increased my FACE TIME by 260%. Can you believe it!?! I’ve received more referrals and business from it too. If I had to do coffee or lunch with the number of people that I’ve popped-by to see, I wouldn’t have the time to see ¼ of the people I’ve seen so far this year. I can definitely say that this is a GAME CHANGER!I have a secret I have to share….I don’t just do this to get more business. I do this because I want my clients and prospects to know that I care, that I’m different. That I truly want to get to know them better and they mean more to me than just a sale. I’m a strong believer in helping others get to where THEY want to go and you’ll get where you want to.I’m so glad that I’ve added this to my marketing calendar and I STRONGLY encourage you to add it to yours.Make sure you LIKE our Spitfire Advertising Facebook Page so you can see what we’re doing throughout the year for our promotions and it will spur ideas for yours. .If you need help, email us today! We’d love to help you!Follow us on your favorite social media. We are on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube, and Twitter. Hugs and high 5's,Shana Anderson-NutePresidentSpitfire Advertising, Inc.Ps Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you see these videos as soon as they are posted.Ready to shop? Click hereNeed FREE marketing strategies? Click hereProud partner of the Admin Awards & Chest of Hope. We support and empower others to be their best!Don’t have a marketing calendar? I have you covered! You know that people with systems have the greatest success. Click on the image below to download my FREE Monthly Marketing Calendar Worksheet. I’ve made it easy to plan out your monthly marketing activities.
Enter what marketing activity you’ll do and when
List your top 3 priorities that month
The theme you’ll create that month’s marketing around then follow your plan.
When the month's done, evaluate it and tweak what's not working.