From advertising to rewards! 5 things every referral program needs to skyrocket your success!
You can’t help, but smile when you get a referral. It means you’ve done a good job and they’re willing to put their reputation on the line for you.
Did you know that referrals are the least expensive way to get new leads into your business and they convert faster because they come in as warm leads instead of cold leads?
Imagine how you would feel knowing that you have a great referral system in place that’s a win-win for you, your referral, and the person who referred them to you! First and foremost, realize that statistics show you’ll receive more referrals by offering an incentive. Then make sure people know about it and what’s in it for them. Below you'll see the different ways you can advertise your referral program to hit several angles to ensure you’re maximizing your results, incentive ideas, how to make it easier to refer to you, and most importantly how to thank them.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Direct mail: Makes it easier to be remembered. Include information about your referral program and you can drive them online to join a challenge, contest, etc.
Postcard by itself or with an item attached to it, a "breadcrumb”. A breadcrumb is something they keep that's branded and that way when they're ready to refer someone to you or buy from you they can always find their way back to you easily.
You can do a greeting card-style postcard with a small branded gift inside.
Box or large envelope with lumpy mail inside.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Post it online:
What social media platform and how often do you want to post?
Put it on your website.
Your landing page.
Your thank-you page or a purchase confirmation page.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Put it on your email signature.
Add it to your email blasts.
Printed material:
Add it to your business cards.
Give out referral cards.
Add it to your invoice/packing slips.
Add it to your company’s literature
Sent it out with your handwritten cards
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
This one is hard for most people…ask!
Through email, do it as a personal email one-on-one.
Send them a text.
Over the phone.
Ask your joint venture partners, your affiliates.
If you're in a networking group then build those relationships first. Give value before you ask for the referral.
Software Advice says statistics show that more than 50% of people will give you a referral if you give them an incentive to do so. What can you give?
Free or discounted services or products.
Enter them in a drawing.
Gift cards
Any branded item. Tech-related gifts are especially appreciated. Click on the links below to choose from the large selection we offer.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Make it easy to refer to you:
Do referral cards that they can just hand out
Have links to make your referral program easy to share.
Have the referral email script already done so all they have to do is add their name and the person's name that they're referring to you?
Have them tag their friends on social media.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
The most important step don't forget to thank them!
Always do a handwritten note and don't forget to send that reward that you promised them.
You can also email them.
Send a text.
Call them.
Tip: Contact them the way they prefer and the way that would make them feel like you really appreciate what they did!
A referral program is the least expensive and fastest way to turn a prospect into a client. You don't have the expense of online ads, marketing, and all those other things because you have referral partners who are the ambassadors for your company.
If you know anybody who needs to hear this message please send them the link via email or share this with them via Facebook or on your favorite social media. I would really appreciate your help with my mission to help more people build relationships that will grow their business.
Follow us on your favorite social media. We are on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube, and Twitter.
Hugs and high 5's,
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Shana Anderson-Nute
P.S. 1.Don't forget to follow our blog. That's where you're going to get these types of tips to help you with your business every time they’re posted.2. Don’t have a marketing calendar? I have you covered! You know that people with systems have the greatest success. Click on the image below to download my FREE Monthly Marketing Calendar Worksheet. I’ve made it easy to plan out your monthly marketing activities.
Enter what marketing activity you’ll do and when
List your top 3 priorities that month
The theme you’ll create that month’s marketing around then follow your plan.
When the month's done, evaluate it and tweak what's not working.
Don't forget to check out our previous blog post:
• An inexpensive and stylish way to delight your client and team when giving a gift!
• 4 tips to grow your business and gain loyalty with your clients and employees by giving back!
• Stop making this mistake with your marketing. One tiny tweak and you'll see a huge difference.