How to turn your hot lead into a client using these 3 things: research, coffee, and an unexpected thank you.
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Are you doing the right things to turn your hot leads into clients? I know you're spending your time and your money, doing networking events, trade shows, golf tournaments to get people into your business. What is the use of you doing this if you're not turning these leads into clients?Today let's talk about this step in my Magnetic Marketing Road Map so you can see an effective way to do this. To make this simple, we're going to pretend that you met a lady named, Sue at a networking event. You knew what questions you were going to ask in advance, you’ve done your nonverbal communication, wore your branded shirt, researched her, looked at the things that you have in common and found out if she needs or already uses your products/service.You showed her that you cared, and you have things in common. Positioned yourself as an expert and asked her to have coffee with you.This is where we're at now in our Magnetic Marketing Road Map. She's accepted your coffee invitation. Don't sit back and just wait for that day to come. Go through those notes that you've come up with when you were researching her. Figure out what you need to ask her without looking like a stalker or interrogating her. Ask these questions elegantly and casually so you can get to know her better. You’re qualifying her further and positioning yourself as the expert that can solve her problems.Remember this is like dating, you're courting her, and you want to show her that you're the one. How can you do this? Bring a gift! Something small and useful, that ties in with your products and services. Something that you know Sue will use.You can give her something that she can use in her car where she will be reminded of you when she's driving. You can give her a USB car charger, a visor clip that holds sunglasses, a gift card or a tumbler filled with chocolates.
Sue is a Safety Manager at a construction company and a construction themed notebook that's branded would be a great choice for a gift too.
Inside the notebook write some tips, website links, some tricks, info. or a personalized note. Personalization shows you care and builds the relationship.During this meeting, you're going to focus on building the relationship and setting yourself apart from the competition. Remember, this relationship is human to human, not an entity to an entity, it's not just a transaction. You want to make sure that you leave Sue with the best impression of you.Now, Coffee is over! Sue just gave you the most precious gift of time. So, take the time to write out a handwritten card.
Make sure the card is branded because people save handwritten cards. They usually put them up on the refrigerator, on their file cabinet at work, on their cork board, or someplace that they can see it and every time they see it they're going to be reminded of you and so will their friends and co-workers.This is a glimpse into this part of our Magnetic Marketing Road Map. The system you can follow to turn your hot leads into clients. If you found this useful please share this.Follow us on your favorite social media. We are on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube, and Twitter. Hugs and high 5's,
Shana Anderson-Nutewww.SpitfireAdvertising.comP.S. 1. Don't forget to follow to our blog. That's where you're going to get these types of tips to help you with your business every time they’re posted.2. Don’t have a marketing calendar? I have you covered! You know that people with systems have the greatest success. Click on the image below to download my FREE Monthly Marketing Calendar Worksheet. I’ve made it easy to plan out your monthly marketing activities.
- Enter what marketing activity you’ll do and when
- List your top 3 priorities that month
- The theme you’ll create that month’s marketing around then follow your plan.
- When the month's done, evaluate it and tweak what's not working.
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- Marketing getting stale? Generate leads and have fun with these tips for your next contest!
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