Top tips to CAPTURE more leads at your next speaking event! And how to turn them into clients-Part 2 of 3


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During your presentation make sure you are delivering a lot of value, and you’re positioning yourself as the expert while showing you care about their needs. The three things people subconsciously ask themselves before they’ll buy from anyone are:

1. Are they an expert? 2. Do they care about me? 3. Can I trust them?


Focus on delivering a presentation where they can answer YES to all 3 of those questions, and you’re on your way to SUCCESS!DURING your event, you have more options for obtaining the contact information of the attendees and building those relationships. Going back to my client’s “bump in the road” of them not having a business card from part 1 of this blog post, here are some ways to solve that problem and things you can do to ENTICE them to give you their contact info.If they DON’T have a business card, and just want to give you their contact info. you can collect it by:

1. Having slips of paper to write their contact info. on.

2. Have tablets/computers for them to enter their info. in.

3. Have them text/email you from their phones.4. Have a survey at EACH person’s seat for them to fill out and give you feedback, ask questions, etc. and ask for their name, telephone number and email address on the form.

To give more of an INCENTIVE for them to give you their contact info. here are other ideas:

1.  Have them TEXT a number and keyword to receive a FREE download related to the topic you presented such as a top 10 tips, the slides for the presentation, etc. There are several such text message marketing services out there. Choose one that connects to your email software so their contact info. AUTOMATICALLY goes into your database. I like You don’t have to sign up for a monthly plan, it integrates with Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Infusionsoft, etc. and has a lot of other features while being easy to use.

2.  During your Q&A, tell them if they’d like a PERSONAL response to their question to give you their contact info. and you’ll follow up with them in the next few days. People are often reluctant to ask questions during the Q&A period at the end, but they will crowd around the speaker when he/she comes off the stage. Therein lies a danger that people with questions will get frustrated and leave if they have to wait too long to speak with you. To solve this, have a team member with you and during your presentation say “My colleague, Joe Smith, is in the back of the room, Joe raise your hand. Please give him your business card if you still have any questions I did not answer in my presentation, and I promise to get back to each one of you personally.”

3.  Announce that you are giving a workshop in the NEAR future to drill down into more detail on this topic. Tell the attendees, “If you are interested in the details, please leave your business card with Joe.”

4.  Have a BRANDED item at each person’s seat when they arrive. It can be a notebook, pen, a cup (this hot/cold cup is perfect) or something else that relates to your topic or what they’ll need while at your presentation. Have it imprinted with the URL or text messaging details that drive them to your opt-in page where they receive their free download. Or you can include a printed marketing piece with the branded item that has the opt-in info. At the middle and end of your presentation remind them to do it. You can even take a quick break and make it fun. Say, “I now you’re supposed to have your phones put away right now, but I’ve already seen a few of you peeking at them so let’s all pull our phones out and…” instruct them to opt-in to your download.

5.  Collect business cards then have a RAFFLE where the prize is a cool BRANDED item such as this universal tablet holder, Tech Kit or power bank with a flashlight and Bluetooth speaker.



6.  Offer a SPECIAL on a product/service that you presented about. People want a deal they can act on right away. They are excited about what you just talked about so now is the time to get them to act. If you can’t offer a discount can you offer a FREE consultation to guide them on what their next step should be? If you choose to do this idea then:

• At the BEGINNING of your presentation tease them. Tell them you have a surprise for them just for showing up today that you’ll tell them more about later.

• About HALF WAY through, after you’ve engaged them and added some value to them “pull the curtains back” a little about what you have coming up for them.

• At the END, make a really good offer and tell them if they bring a friend then you’ll give their friend the same offer if they sign up for it today.

Don’t be pushy or a slimy salesperson, just get them MOTIVATED for this amazing deal.

7.  Get there EARLY and STAY LATE to make the most face2face connections. You want to maximize doing the event. Many organizations have an opportunity for the speaker to meet the attendees. This could either be at a coffee break, during lunch or over cocktails before or after the presentation. You have gone to all the trouble to do the presentation.Do not try to get in and out of the event in a hurry. The more people you meet personally, the better results you WILL achieve.

You are the event’s speaker – you do not have to impress anyone beyond that because the speech establishes you as the expert. Therefore, when you meet people one-on-one, your job is to ask questions about them, to get to know them better. What a potential client wants to know is if you are filled with ego or if they can TRUST you and if you CARE about your clients. You do this by asking lots of questions about them, that will make them feel important. You are already important in their eyes.

I’ve just given you a lot of ideas on what you can do before the event and at the event to capture more leads, to be more successful and ultimately to help more people. After all the more people YOU help, the more your business WILL grow!Implement as many as you’d like. Don’t forget to track, test and TWEAK them so you figure out which ones are the most successful for you at your public speaking events! Don’t forget to add these to your marketing calendar for your speaking events. Need a Marketing Calendar? Click here for our 1 page one.If you need any help along the way, I’m always here to help you. Just shoot an email over to me. Next week I’ll give you a plan on what to do AFTER the event to turn these prospects into RAVING CLIENTS. I love helping you to skyrocket your success.Follow us on your favorite social media. We are on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube, and Twitter. Hugs and high fives,shana-pixShana Anderson-Nutewww.SpitfireAdvertising.comP.S. Remember to smile, happy looks good on you! :) If you have a topic you’d like me to do a blog post about let me know by clicking here.Will you do me 2 favors:

  1. Share this on Facebook, with a friend or co-worker, so you and I can both help someone else achieve their goals.
  2. Don’t have a marketing calendar? I have you covered! You know that people with systems have the greatest success. Click on the image below to download my FREE Monthly Marketing Calendar Worksheet. I’ve made it easy to plan out your monthly marketing activities.
    1.  Enter what marketing activity you’ll do and when
    2. List  your top 3 priorities that month
    3.  The theme you’ll create that month’s marketing around then follow your plan.
    4. When the month's done, evaluate it and tweak what's not working.

coverDon't forget to check out our previous blog post: